Love, Joy, Peace...
Welcome to Nampa Church of the Brethren
Our church has been a part of the Nampa community since 1899. While a lot has changed over the years, our commitment to serving Jesus has not. We are called to continue the work that God ordained and that Christ began. It is our desire to do so peacefully, simply, and together.

We welcome you and hope to have the opportunity to get to know you better. There are many traditions and stories represented in our congregation, and we would like to hear your story, too. The principles we value as a community allow us to have unity, without being bound to uniformity. It is our earnest hope to grow together, closer to God as we draw closer to each other.

If you are looking for a church family that believes in the importance of scripture, the value of being together, and in being dedicated to following the example and teaching of Jesus Christ in all facets of our lives, then we hope you will check us out.

We hope this brochure will shed a little more light on our church and the opportunities it may provide you and/or your family.

God's blessings to you!
Value Statements
- We value the Scripture. We consider the Bible to be our rule of faith and practice. Through scripture, the will of God is revealed. We believe in embracing the scriptures with an emphasis on compassion, peacemaking, and simplicity.

- We value community. We do not consider the church an institution, but a people, called by God to be participants in God’s redemptive plan. We are committed to cultivating relationships and helping people discover their spiritual gifts that they might use them in the building up of the Body of Christ, the church.

- We value a holy life. We believe that when God offers the gift of grace through Jesus Christ, that it is an invitation into discipleship. How we live is as important as what we believe. Jesus is not only the Savior who redeems us but also the Lord who leads us in daily life.

- We value the contribution each Christian makes. We believe that God has work for each of us, and that each of us has a role to play in God’s redemptive plan.